How to Choose the Right Pillow

Tips for Choosing the Right Pillow 

Sleeping with the wrong pillow can affect the way you feel when you wake up. As 17% of the human spine is located in your neck, putting even the slightest strain on the neck vertebrae can cause stress to the spinal nerves which lead to your shoulders, arms, wrists and even fingers.

Sleeping on the wrong or worn out pillow may lead to headaches, tight and achy shoulders, as well as pain in the neck. Your sleep is affected by how much support is provided for your neck, and having too little or too much can have an effect on your well being upon waking.

Choosing your Pillow

With so many choices, how do you know which one is right for you? When it comes to choosing the pillow that’s right for you, it really comes down to your favoured sleep position.

Front (Stomach) Sleeper

  • A very thin pillow or none at all, so that you don’t put excess pressure on your neck and spine while sleeping

Side Sleeper 

  • A firmer, thicker pillow that supports and keep your head level as you sleep, as sleeping with too little or too much pillow can cause major neck and spine issues
  • A second pillow between your legs to help level out the spine
  • For those who only sleep on their side occasionally, they can benefit from putting their hand under a thinner pillow.This will provide less strain on the neck than a too thick pillow. 

Back Sleeper 

  • For most, a thinner pillow that supports your neck (not your head), as a firm, thick pillow can cause neck and shoulder issues 

Aside from sleeping positions, one must also consider the fill of the pillows. There are many pros and cons to each type of fill. For example, down pillows are comfortable and long lasting, however they can trigger allergies in those who have asthma and other allergy conditions. There’s a variety of pillows available out there: feather, buckwheat, memory foam, latex, and microfiber. At GottaSleep we only carry Micro-Gel fibre pillows, as long term they represent the best value for your money. Memory foam, like ours, is generally going to be you best option.

So check your pillows, and if the crick in your neck won’t go away, it’s probably time for a new one.


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