What Sleep Position is the Best?
One of life’s most satisfying experiences is a great night’s sleep. When you have a great night’s sleep you wake up feeling rested, restored, and rejuvenated. On the other hand, unpleasant sleep experiences are a lot less rejuvenating. When we toss and turn too often, sleep on a mattress that’s not forgiving to joint pain on body pressure points like shoulders, ribs, elbows, hips and knees, or have our sleep interrupted by contact with a sleep partner is too small a mattress, chances are you’ll wake up tired, sore, or with a backache.
Unsure of whether you should sleep on your side, which side, your stomach or your back? Looking for the best healthy sleeping position?
At GottaSleep all our products have been designed with a focus on your health and wellness. Materials such as gel-infused memory foam improve mattress sleep temperature, reduce tossing and turning, and take the pressure off body joints, making for a better sleep environment. Better sleep starts with a better mattress. Our Gotta Sleep OMG mattress is a better mattress.
No matter how we sleep, sleep time is the longest we’re in one position. For some, sleeping on your stomach or side may feel the most comfortable, but bio-mechanically the best way to sleep is on your back.
Let’s compare sleep positions:
Sleeping on your Stomach or sleeping on your Face (the worst sleep position)
- Reduces snoring sometimes.
- Provides absolutely no support to the lower back, which can result in lower back pain on waking
- Puts significant pressure on your neck and spine (17% of your spine is in your neck)
- Flattens the natural curve of the spine which can lead to back pain and over time spinal issues
- Overworks body muscles that force you to toss and turn as you sleep, as they try to support the spine and lower back (you wake up tired, sore and with back pain)
- Puts pressure on joints and muscles, which can irritate nerves and lead to pain, numbness, and tingling of body parts on waking
- Sleeping with your head to one side for hours on end can eventually result in long term neck or spinal issues
- Premature facial wrinkles and sagging breasts
Best Pillow to Sleep With for Stomach Sleepers
- A very thin pillow (e.g. a feather pillow) or none at all, so that you don’t put excess pressure on your neck and spine while sleeping.
Side (second-best sleep position)
- Less snoring
- Reduces acid reflux
- Can help cut down on Sleep Apnea
- Most comfortable way to sleep during pregnancy
- Provides absolutely no support to the lower back, which can result in lower back pain on waking
- Can pull your spine out of position, which can strain the lower back, and over time result in back and spinal issues
- Sleeping on your right side can put a strain on your heart, lymphatic system, pancreas and spleen, so if you sleep on your side try to sleep on the left one
Best Pillow to Sleep With for Side Sleepers
- A firmer, thicker pillow that supports and keep your head level as you sleep, as sleeping with too little or too much pillow can cause major neck and spine issues
- A second pillow between your legs to help level out the spine
Back (the best sleep position)
- Spreads out your body weight which greatly reduces joint pain
- The best position for your heart
- The best position for digestion
- Easy for your head, neck and spine to remain in a neutral position
- Improves sleep posture, thereby reducing neck and back pain, and future spinal issues
- As your head is elevated it reduces acid reflux
- Snoring is more severe
Best Pillow to Sleep With for those who Sleep on their Back
- For most, a thinner pillow that supports your neck versus your head, as a firm, the thick pillow can cause neck and shoulder issues
But it’s not just about sleeping on your back. It’s about sleeping on a quality supportive mattress. You’ll want it to be comfortable, but at the same time firm enough to support your body’s spine, and to take the pressure off the small of your lower back. Think of your shoes. Imagine walking in shoes that have little or no arch support. Your feet hurt and get tired quickly, just like your lower back if it has no support while you sleep. It’s important the mattress is soft enough, but if your mattress is too soft your hips will sink into it, and your spine can go out of alignment.
How long will it take to adjust to sleeping on your back? It can take days, weeks, even longer for some. It may be hard to do, but you can train yourself. Unless you have health issues that make it less than feasible, you should work on it. It may even be painful, but like exercise that hurts, long term it helps.
One way to speed up the process is to sleep on an adjustable bed. Sleeping in a Zero Gravity position is great for your heart and overall health. It also makes it hard to sleep on your front or side.
Sleeping Positions for Back Pain
If you are looking for the best way to sleep for your back as you often wake up with morning back pain, most find relief by sleeping on their back and on a foam mattress.
If you have a favourite position you enjoy when sleeping, there are things you can do to ease back pain. You might try sleeping with a pillow between or underneath your legs.
If you sleep on your side (E.g. you sleep on your left side or right side), WebMD suggests putting a pillow between your knees and then drawing them up slightly toward your chest. If you like to sleep on your back, try putting a pillow under your knees, or rolling up a small towel and placing it under the small of your back.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach as much as you can, because it puts a lot of pressure on your back. If it’s the only position you can fall asleep in, put a pillow under your stomach to minimize the pressure on your back.
Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain
If you are looking for the best sleeping position for lower back pain, if you read the above section you know most find relief by sleeping on their back and on a medium to firm foam mattress.
The Best Position for Sleep Apnea
According to Harvard, Sleep apnea occurs when the tissue at the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway during sleep. This causes people to experience short pauses in their breathing as they sleep. Your bed partner is often a great way to identify sleep apnea. If you live alone, look for waking in the night, trouble falling asleep, headaches in the morning, daytime sleepiness, and problems with concentration.
If you think you have sleep apnea, you should contact your doctor. You may need to learn to sleep in a position that keeps your airway open, or leverage a continuous positive airway pressure device. This device blows air through a mask to keep your airways open.